Department Leads

Vastrai Ronsard

Founder of Moonshadows, collector of forgotten lore, delightfully and/or unsettlingly pink! Vafa opened the archive with the aim of recovering and sharing history that has been lost over the ages, and looks after both its relics and its people with care.

Ferrand de Ronsard

The company's resident diplomat, Ferrand followed his curiosity from Ishgard and every day learns things against his will. He specializes in esoteric magic and provides healing and protective support on the Archive's more dangerous expeditions.

Iovnatan Reid
Head of Restoration

With four degrees from the Sharlayan Studium, Dr Reid is an expert in restoring books, art, and artifacts, and a highly skilled chirurgeon.
Both skillsets see a lot of use in his work for the Archive.

Elina TanneExpedition Leader

A powerful and well-traveled mage with an insatiable sweet tooth, Elina brings her experience to bear on the company's ventures into ruins and assorted dangers that come with poking at forgotten lore.